The most abundant element on earth, intrinsically precious, and fundamental for all ecosystems W A T E R is one of the most pressing societal issues of our time, and systemic to the rights of future generations. On September 6th 2022, the NEWAVE Network in collaboration with Fundació Enric Miralles will launch W A T E R S P A C E; a platform to explore the artistic engagements, scientific interactions, and political interfaces with water, that shape our socio-hydrological world.

NEWAVE – Next Water Governance is a EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN), which departs from the notion that the global debate about water governance needs a reset, and aims to point the way forward. The project aims to train a new generation of water governance Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) with fundamental knowledge, advanced skills, and adequate tools to address current and future water governance challenges. The project is rooted in the conviction that the rising threats of future water crises and hydro-social challenges present an urgent need to enhance the global capacity to reflect critically on the current water governance trajectory. In that light, NEWAVE aims at developing and implementing a cutting-edge actionable research agenda on the key water governance priorities and insights for future directions, from a global perspective. NEWAVE counts on the exceptional and diversified experience of its transnational network of academic and non-academic organisations. The training programme provides an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach that exposes its Early Stage Researchers to the latest scientific concepts and methodologies from fundamental to applied research.

Fundació Enirc Miralles is a center for architectural research and design, dedicated to furthering Enric Miralles’ passion for innovation and experimentation in the realm of architecture and design. The foundation opened its doors in 2011, founded by Enric´s family, partner and longtime collaborator, Benedetta Tagliabue. Since then, it has been involved in cultural projects throughout Barcelona and abroad, continuing the creative and inventive spirit of Enric Miralles: a visionary architect, delicate drawer, witty professor, and passionate advocate for Barcelona´s cultural and urban future.
The Fundació Enric Miralles convenes public exhibitions, publications, workshops, and international exchanges committed to the development and promotion of innovation through design. The foundation holds the most comprehensive archive of Enric Miralles’ original work, operating as a platform to inspire new generations of architects to experiment and explore.